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中藝網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時間: 2015-03-03
日前,世界藝評人協(xié)會(International Art Critics Association)公布了2014年藝評人大獎提名。藝評人大獎主要從展覽、表演、創(chuàng)作以及博客等四方面評獎。據(jù)悉,400多位藝評人協(xié)會會員將投票選出各類獎項獲獎人,其中包括畫家Katherine Bernhardt等等均已入圍,以下是全部提名人名單。


— Kara Walker: A Subtlety / Domino Sugar Factory, Brooklyn / Creative Time

— Greer Lankton, LOVE ME / Participant Inc., New York

— Andres Serrano: Residents of New York / Washington Square Park area

— @Large: Ai Weiwei at Alcatraz / Alcatraz Island, CA / For-Site Foundation

— A Certain Slant of Light: Spencer Finch at the Morgan / Morgan Library Atrium,

New York

— Faith Wilding: Fearful Symmetries, A Retrospective / Threewalls, Chicago

— Wu Tsang: Moved by the Motion / Diverse Works, Houston

— Bridge, by Glenn Kaino / Naval Building 170, Washington D.C. / 5 x 5 / Curated by

Shamin M. Momim

2) 最佳時空格式獎(表演藝術(shù)、視頻電影、聲音藝術(shù))

— Adam Shecter: New Year / Eleven Rivington, New York

— Ragnar Kjartansson: The Visitors / Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

— Mary Reid Kelley: Working Objects and Videos / Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art,

SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz, NY / Curated by Daniel Belasco

— “Dutchman” by Rashid Johnson / Red Square Russian and Turkish Baths,

Chicago, IL / Performa Commission / Curated by Adrienne Edwards

— “MEEM 4 MIAMI: A Story Ballet About the Internet” by Ryan McNamara

Miami Grand Theater at Castle Beach Resort, Miami / Performa Commission

— Stan Douglas: Luanda-Kinshasa / David Zwirner, New York

— Gerard and Kelly: Timelining / The Kitchen, New York / Curated by Tim


— Irina Botea: It Is Now A Matter of Learning Hope / Threewalls, Chicago

3) 紐約商業(yè)空間最佳展覽獎

— Nancy Grossman: The Edge of Always, Constructions from the 1960s / Michael

Rosenfeld Gallery, New York

— Robert Longo / “Gang of Cosmos” / Metro Pictures, New York and “Strike the Sun” / Petzel Gallery, New York

— Picasso and Jacqueline: The Evolution of Style / Pace Gallery, New York

— Stan Douglas: Luanda-Kinshasa / David Zwirner, New York

— Katherine Bernhardt: Stupid, Crazy, Ridiculous, Funny Patterns / CANADA, New


— Une Danse des Bouffons (or A jester’s dance) by Marcel Dzama / David Zwirner,

New York

— Allen Ruppersberg / Greene Naftali, New York

— Robert Rauschenberg: The Fulton Street Studio, 1953–54 / Craig F. Starr, New


4) 美國商業(yè)空間最佳展覽獎

— Lizzie Fitch/Ryan Trecartin / Regen Projects, Los Angeles

— Hiroshi Sugimoto: Acts of God / Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco

— Jonas Wood / David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles

— Katherine Bernhardt: Doritos and Diet Coke / China Art Objects, Los Angeles

— Margot Bergman: Greetings / Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago

— Mickalene Thomas: I was born to do great things / Kavi Gupta, Chicago

— Donald Moffett: head / Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, Texas

— Tomas Chimes: The Body in Spirals / Locks Gallery, Philadelphia

5) 紐約最佳博物館主題展覽獎

— Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs / MoMA New York / Curated by Karl Buchberg

and Jodi Hauptman

— Robert Gober: The Heart Is Not a Metaphor / MoMA, New York / Curated by

Ann Temkin

— Chris Ofili: Night and Day / New Museum, New York / Curated by

Massimiliano Gioni

— Sigmar Polke: Alibis / MoMA, New York / Curated by Kathy Halbreich

— Maria Lassnig / MoMA PS1, Queens, New York / Curated by Peter Eleey

— Jeff Koons / Whitney Museum of American Art, New York / Curated by Scott


— Madame Cezanne / Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY / Curated by Dita


— Charles Gaines: Gridwork 1974-1989 / The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York,

NY / Curated by Naima J. Keith

6) 美國最佳博物館主題展覽獎

— Beatriz Milhazes: Jardim Botanico / Perez Art Museum, Miami / Curated by

Tobias Ostrander

— Christopher Williams: The Production Line of Happiness / Art Institute of Chicago,

Chicago / Curated by Matthew S. Witkovsky

— Pierre Huyghe / Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles / Curated

by Jarrett Gregory

— Keith Haring: The Political Line / deYoung Museum, San Francisco / Curated

by Dieter Buchhart

— Simon Starling: Metamorphology / MCA Chicago, Chicago / Curated by Dieter

Roelstraete / June 7–November 6, 2014

— Richard Estes’ Realism / Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. /

Curated by Patterson Sims, Jessica May, and Virginia Mecklenburg

— Dear Nemesis, Nicole Eisenman / ICA, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia / Curated by Kelly Shindler / September 19–December 28, 2014

— Mel Chin: Rematch / New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans / Curated by

Miranda Lash / February 21–May 25, 2014

— Robert Motherwell: The East Hampton Years, 1944-1952 / Guild Hall Museum,

East Hampton, N.Y. / Curated by Phyllis Tuchman

— John Zurier: MATRIX 255 / UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive,

Berkeley, Calif. / Curated by Apsara DiQuinzio

— Robert Smithson’s New Jersey / Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, N.J. / Curated by

Phyllis Tuchman and Gail Stavitsky

7) 紐約最佳主題博物館獎

— Here and Elsewhere / New Museum, New York / Curated by Massamiliano

Gioni / July 16–September 28, 2014

— Italian Futurism, 1909–1944: Reconstructing the Universe / Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York / Curated by Vivien Greene

— ZERO: Countdown to Tomorrow / Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York / Curated by Valerie Hillings

— Cubism: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection / Metropolitan Museum of Art, New

York / Curated by Rebecca Rabinow and Emily Braun

— Lost Kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Early Southeast Asia, 5th to 6th

Century / Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York / Curated John Guy

— From the Margins: Lee Krasner and Norman Lewis / The Jewish Museum, New

York, N.Y. / Curated by Norman L. Kleeblatt

8) 美國最佳主題博物館獎

— Fiber: Sculpture 1960-Present / ICA Boston, Boston / Curated by Jenelle Porter

— Neo-Impressionism and the Dream of Realities: Painting, Poetry, Music / The

Phillips Collection, Washington, DC / Curated by Cornelia Homburg

— Gorgeous / Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA / Curated by Alison Harding

and Forrest McGill / June 20–September 14, 2014

— Experiments with Truth: Gandhi and Images of Nonviolence / The Menil

Collection, Houston, TX / Curated by Josef Helfenstein

9) 最佳藝術(shù)批評獎

— Jed Pearl / New York Review of Books / “The Cult of Jeff Koons,” September 25,

2014 and “You Can’t Catch Picasso,” December 18, 2014

— Holland Cotter / The New York Times

— Jenni Quilter / New York Painters and Poets, Rizzoli / Neon and Daylight, Rizzoli

— Robert Atkins / “Everybody’s Art” in Art in America, March 2014

— Lilly Wei / Essay from Beauty Reigns catalogue, McNay Art Museum ____ Hilton Als / “I Don’t Remember,” essay from Robert Gober: The Heart Is Not A Metaphor catalogue, MoMA

— Peter Schjeldahl / “In With The New,” in The New Yorker, October 27, 2014

— Peter Plagens / Bruce Nauman: the True Artist, Phaidon

10) 最佳藝術(shù)報道獎

— Randy Kennedy / The New York Times

— Phillip Kennicott / “An Art Loan from Bill Cosby Draws the Smithsonian into a

National Debate,” The Washington Post, November 20, 2014

— Carol Kino / “Marion Goodman’s New London Gallery,” Wall Street Journal,

August 5, 2014

— Jillian Steinhauer / Hyperallergic

— Jen Graves / Seattle Stranger

11) 最佳博客獎

— haberarts.com by John Haber

— Art F City

— The Silo by Raphael Rubinstein


— Big Red & Shiny: Our Daily Red (Boston)

— Newcity Art (Chicago)

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